

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cockatoo [Kakatua]

See this picture, it was my present new collection. A Small kind Cockatoo. Seem this bird is listed as forbidden for trading. I got this from a friend who's working as the security guard working in the building, where I am working. He found it in the concrete deck roofing in the top of the building. There was the chains in the leg, which already cut [looks like it had cut it perfectly by its strong beak]. Because of this friend of mine is not interested to take care of it, so he offered me to take care and I took his offer.
I have to buy a cage for it. It must be big and strong enough for it. So I go to a shop, buy a hexagonal Aluminum cage and the price is higher than I expected, but what else can I say, I still have to buy it.

First time it came, delivered to my home, there is only a free and available cage [for a love bird, usually] made from small steel wire, for it. Absolutely, it is only took one hour for its strong beak to freed it self by cut some bars. Fortunately, it didn't want to fly away. It was just perching on some other bird's cage and makes some damage on it.
It is a very smart bird and very crowd bird. Able to speak some words, maybe the previous owner have taught it very well. It is very noisy when it feels hungry, and always when I was late to feed it. Scream out some noisy words and sounds [very lucky it stored in the big house building, so it would not disturb the neighbors].

Fantastic, when it only needs couple hours to start some damages in its new aluminum cage, the aluminum sheet mattress. Then it started chewing its feeding bowl made of plastic. Maybe it needs something to keep the sharpness of its beaks, or keep the length of its beaks from growing. But the damage will apparently increased by the time it feels hungry. I have to give it something to be chewed then.

I am just looking for the sub species or kind of this cockatoo. With a full white color, as seen in the picture, a little bit pink in the chicks and crest, also some kind of yellowish in the back of tail. The body size is about 230 mm and totally about 350 mm from beak to tail. Where is its origin? I do not know yet. I try to find out later. At least I have to know something about it. If you already knew about it, please post your comment and just let know it.

Anyway, basically I did not really wanna have this bird. It is not my favorite one. I just try to know it well closely, how to take care of it, what is its habit, etc. Surely, someday someone will take over it, at the day I feel I already understood everything about it well. Or when I have no time for the bird no more.


SleePing ChiLd said...

hi...i'm interested with this little fella...hopefully i'll will be the one who will takeover the 'kakatua'...^^"

finchpolis said...

hello to Sleeping CHild,
I'd love to hand over it to you, but unfortunately this one is very smart and successfully opened its cage and fly free several months ago ... too bad ...